Created by Children's author Aby King, Mash Crew is an animated comedy series designed to inspire children into enterprising pursuits.

This entrepreneurial series is part of a range of educational tools including interactive games, books and animated films which are aimed at primary school children aged 7-11.

Filling a gap in the market for entertaining content that supports early initiatives to encourage children into entrepreneurial activities.


“Generation Z are sellers as much as buyers.

They’re selling goods on Depop, organising events,

selling artwork and selling their skills.

They’re starting young, which means that Gen-Z won’t necessarily be relying on their parents to give them pocket money like previous generations.”

Generational expert Eliza Filby

Aby King

"Mash Crew follows four friends, Tommo, Duffy, Suzzi, and Mish-Mash (a robot), who live in a working class port town called Harbor Angel. In need of fun activities and money, the group scours the town for business opportunities - existing shops or products that need improvements, or brand new ideas that might make their town a better place.

In each episode, the group identifies a problem or demand, theorises an innovative and entrepreneurial way to fix the problem or supply the demand, then turns their idea into reality, sometimes with an element of sci-fi/fantasy.

Sometimes their solution works, and other times it doesn’t – they’re kids after all! 

Through their successes and failures, the Mash Crew learn about teamwork, how to balance out creative ideas with practicality, and the importance of giving back, all while having an entertaining and exciting time.

Mash Crew’s adventures will inspire kids to be innovative and creative in their own lives, and maybe to set up their own ventures."

Headteachers on Mash Crew

Fiona Wilce, Headteacher  St Mary & St John North Luffenham (Primary School) and Kelly Grey, Headteacher Bassett House School London discussing enterprise within their schools and their own thoughts on Mash Crew. 


Ambition is Everything

Young disabled pupils from The Milestone School in Gloucester tell us what they want to be when they grow up. The film shows that disabled youngsters have the same dreams about work as everyone else, we should encourage their ambitions and help them to achieve their aspirations.

Video Credit: NHS England, Gloucestershire County Council 

When I Grow up...

All children grow up with aspirations and dreams. Asking your kids what they want to be when they grow up is a good way to get them thinking about their futures. Start the conversation early and expand on what they think is possible.

Video Credit: Networks for Training & Development Inc

Teaching Entrepreneurial Minds Internationally 

US Based firm Biz World provides teachers and schools hands-on, project-based entrepreneurship programs that promote financial management, leadership, and teamwork.

"Our hope is to inspire the next generation of innovators who become the economic engines of their communities." 

In each program, students work in teams to solve real-world problems.

Video Credit: BizWorld.Org 

Frequently Asked Questions

Key Themes

Innovation -Show and characters constantly innovating and developing new ideas. 

Entrepreneurship -Mash Crew deals with business, economics, and class with social awareness and without focusing too much on money itself (although money does appear in the show) 

CreativityIngenuity and quick thinking at the forefront of each episode.

Imagination - With talking robots, futuristic gadgets, and fantastical ideas, Mash Crew are always expanding their minds. 

Teamwork - Each Mash Crew member plays their role, and the group is greater than the sum of its parts. 

Revival - Each episode leads to a further restored and developed town community. 

Environmental - Mash Crew highlights need for ingenious solutions to revive an economically impacted urban location

Community - Town rallies around Mash Crew’s ideas

Local Economy - Many plotlines revolve around small businesses. Mash Crew typically thinks on a local scale.

Series Synopsis

Mash Crew follows four friends, Tommo, Duffy, Suzzi, and Mish-Mash (a robot), who live in a working class port town called Harbor Angel

In need of fun activities and money, the group scours the town for business opportunities - existing shops or products that need improvements, or brand new ideas that might make their town a better place.

In each episode, the group identifies a problem or demand, theorizes an innovative and entrepreneurial way to fix the problem or supply the demand, then turns their idea into reality, sometimes with an element of sci-fi/fantasy

Sometimes their solution works, and other times it doesn’t – they’re kids after all! 

Through their successes and failures, the Mash Crew learn about teamwork, how to balance out creative ideas with practicality, and the importance of giving back, all while having an entertaining and exciting time.

Mash Crew’s adventures will inspire kids to be innovative and creative in their own lives, and maybe to set up their own ventures.

Episode Structure

11 minute stories focus on core group in Mash Crew HQ, with relatively few references to home or school.

Typical story arc:

Problem/demand presented, Mash Crew thinks up solution, sets up business to build/implement idea, it doesn’t work, they fix it, it works. 

Plenty of room to change this formula with more fantastical sci-fi plots and experiments. 

Contact us


The Studio 

2 Berens Road

Kensal Green


NW10 5EB

England, United Kingdom